With technology becoming more and more fluid, location based advertising is becoming more and more prominent. Geo-Fencing and IP Targeting are two methods of location based advertising that have proven to be very effective in identifying and effectively reaching your target audience. What’s the difference between these two marketing targeting strategies? Read below to learn about the differences and implementation tactics used for IP Targeting and Geo-Fencing.
Scenario 1: IP Targeting
Young students are looking for banks with perks that will benefit their student lifestyle. Banks can identify residences with students that will soon be enrolling in college, or are already enrolled in college, and serve them specific digital advertisements directly to their residence’s IP address through IP Targeting. Additionally, if you obtain the IP address of surrounding schools, you can also target and serve advertisements to student’s computers that are linked to that school’s WiFi IP address. IP Targeting allows you to serve ads to your exact target markets by identifying their IP address where they access and surf the internet.
Scenario 2: Geo-Fencing
If you are a financial institution or credit card company offering special rebates or offers, then hotels would be a great place to target with Geo-Fencing. Geo-Fencing allows credit card company’s advertisements to reach individual’s devices as they transact business and come and go from their hotel rooms. Geo-Fencing allows you to enclose a specific target area with a digital “fence” and serve ads to those who are inside the target area.
Scenario 3: IP Targeting
Targeting large business’s desktop computers can be a foot in the door when trying to introduce a relevant product. If you are a corporate cleaning company, then targeting large office locations with IP Targeting advertisements will ensure that everyone accessing the internet via the building’s IP address is receiving your ads.
Scenario 4: Geo-Fencing
If you are a health food company, then Geo-Fencing advertisements to surrounding yoga and gym locations could increase your brand’s awareness. Geo-Fencing allows you to map those locations and send advertisements to people’s devices as they come and go from the gym.
IP targeting is great for focusing in and capitalizing on specific locations, as well as for targeting specific residences or businesses based on IP addresses. On the other hand, Geo-Fencing can be effective for reaching audiences who are mobile. It all comes down to you properly identifying your target audience, and then implementing the best method of location based advertising for your product and strategy.
To learn more about IP Targeting and Geo-Fencing, contact us for a consultation today!